Spring has sprung in North Carolina as we all are probably feeling it. As the weather gets warmer, people will head outside more with their dogs.
The team of Veterinarians at Cumberland Animal Hospital would like to share some important safety tips to consider this time of year.
As the weather warms and mosquitoes begin hatching, pets need heartworm prevention to stay protected.
All it takes is one mosquito bite for a pet to become infected. Heartworms grow and multiply, eventually obstructing blood flow and making it hard for pets to breathe. Even after treatment, which doesn’t currently exist for cats, heartworm disease leaves lasting internal damage and is potentially fatal, particularly for dogs.
Cats are not the “ideal” host for heartworms so while they are less likely to experience severe symptoms, significant respiratory damage is still a concern. Indoor cats aren’t afforded much protection from their lifestyle, accounting for 25% of heartworm cases, since mosquitoes can easily get into your home.
By protecting your pet with a preventative in the form of a pill, topical medication, or injection, you’re giving them the best chance to avoid a life-altering disease. We have many options available to help you protect your pet’s heart. Give the veterinarians a call at the Cumberland Animal Hospital and we’ll help prescribe and get the medication most appropriate for your pet.
Based on a study from the ASPCA, it’s calculated that between 11-16% of dogs and 12-18% of cats are likely to go missing at least once in five years. How much difference does a microchip make? This tiny device can have a massive impact. Microchipped dogs are 2.5 times more likely to reunite with their families and cats with microchips are 20 times more likely to come home.
Next time you are curled up together, check your pet’s tag and make sure the ring securing it to the collar is strong. If the information is out-of-date, order a new one.
Ticks can hide in long or short grass waiting to latch onto your dog or cat (or you!). They’re difficult to find beneath your pet’s fur and they like to attach themselves in areas that often go unnoticed, like an armpit. Finding and removing attached ticks quickly is important, as Lyme disease only has the chance to spread if they’re able to feed on your pet for more than 24 hours.
There are many preventative health options available to fit your budget and your pet’s lifestyle. We will help you find the best option.
The Cumberland Animal Hospital in Fayetteville, North Carolina understands how important it is to keep our pets safe year-round. If your pet has any issues, please contact us at 910-822-3337. Cumberland Animal Hospital’s veterinarians in Fayetteville, NC are always available to assist you. Call us to schedule an appointment or ask any questions.