Fall Safety Tips for Your Furry Friend!

Summer is coming to an end soon and fall will upon us! You and your pet may be looking forward to a break for the Carolina heat, and enjoy the cool walks in the morning. But as the weather starts to cool down and the snow heads our way, you’ll want to make sure to keep your pet safe. Just as the other season pose a threat to your pet, so does the fall and winter! Here are some safety tips to keep your pet out of your veterinarian’s office this fall.


School Supplies

Fall means it’s back to school time for your little ones. Although you may not consider your child’s school supplies as a threat to your pet, you may need to think again. While things like markers and glue are low in toxicity, they can create blockages and an upset tummy can occur if your curious pup gets into them. Ensure to keep your children’s school supply out of your pets reach to avoid any accidents from happening!



Mushrooms grow in the spring and fall. The majority of mushrooms are low in toxicity but up to 1% of mushrooms are extremely toxic and can lead to serious issues for your pet. Since it can be quite difficult to determine which mushrooms can be harmful to your pet, the best bet is to keep them away from all mushrooms if possible.


Pest and Poisons

As we look to keep warm through the colder months, so do rodents. When using poisons to keep these rodents out of your home, you’ll want to keep your pet away from them. Rodenticides can be fatal if your pet happens to get into them. Also keep in mind if your pet kills or eats the remains of an animal killed with these poisons it can harm them as well.



The fall means hibernation is coming soon and animals are in preparation mode! Depending on where you live, there may be snakes and other animals in your area that may pose a threat to your pet. As a responsible pet owner, you’ll want to remain aware of the types of snakes and other animals that may be in your area. One venomous snake bite can lead to a not so happy trip to your veterinarian.


Although we try our best to keep our pet safe, accidents happen. If you’re in the Fayetteville area and are in search of quality, but cost effective veterinarian care, head to Cumberland Animal Hospital today. Visit us online at www.canimalhospitalnc.com to learn more or call us at (910) 822-3337 to make an appointment!